Scope of Fire Safety Manager services
- Ensure that the requirements contained in the Emergency Response Plan are complied with;
- Conduct checks within the premises and remove or cause to be removed any fire hazard that is found within the premises;
- Prepare a Emergency Response Plan for the premises;
- Ensure that all occupants are familiar with the means of escape located within the premises;
- Prepare fire safety guidebook for the occupants of the premises;
- Conduct regular table top exercise to familiarize Emergency response team with role, responsibilities and actions in the event of other possible emergency situations
- Supervise the operation of the Fire Command Centre in the event of fire or other emergencies;
- Conduct at least two Evacuation Exercises within the premises each year and to evaluate, together with the Fire Safety Committee, the effectiveness of the Fire Emergency Plan for the premises;
- Notify the Commissioner immediately upon the occurrence of any fire incident in the premises;
- Organize campaigns, training courses, competitions, contests and other activities which will develop and maintain the interest of the occupants within the premises in establishing a fire safe environment